28 March 2010

Premonition Much

And Angah was there by the entrance. He smiled at me as I crossed over the other side. I asked him, "Senang naik motor?"

What a dream. :x

Entered the kitchen and mom asked, "Muda² tak takut ke kaki macam gitu?"
[At a young age, aren't you scared with your leg's condition?]

I gave her a puzzled "what." I didn't know what to say. She reiterate that we are growing old and remind me that I will be looking after her. But how is it possible with my ankle injury? The beauty of short conversations. -.-

13 March 2010

Vroom Vroom

Before I continue, pictures will be uploaded soon. I will start uploading them to Multiply once I get the photos from THY. Outdated photos are from BBQ [year 3], OCBC event and Sugi's birthday event. Not much pictures to begin with in the first place. ):

Anyway, rain pours again. I'm not like the rest who welcome rain with open arms. Drizzling is fine by me but rain? They are scary at times. Had an epic barbeque on Thursday. Great company in overall and great food. The amount of food available was jaw-dropping. More than enough to feed a bus. (:

Hmm, I queried my mom the other day about riding a bike. Pretty indirectly but mom being mom, she knows my intention. I told her that I intend to get my license while serving NS. Didn't garner in the expected response, but she SEEMS to be okay with it. Here's the thing, had a small talk with my classmates on Tuesday BBQ about bike riding. One being a rider himself, he pretty much detest the idea of bike-riding. Irony much.

I'm pretty adamant about getting my own transport. And I have lose faith in our "world-class" public transport. Even if I don't embrace nightlife much, having my own transport won't limit my mobility at night. Frankly speaking, I don't see myself on a bike. But this overwhelming urge in me kept insisting. One way or another, hopefully, I will get my bike. I hope I will be able to get my own midway through NS. On hindsight, the rain will limit my mobility. -___- Bloody hell.

And yes, history will be there to haunt me. What's done is done. I won't pretend but it did and still hurts me to think about it. It took me time to get over my grief and I'm sure it will take more time for me to get over this dilemma. I may plan this way ahead but halfway through next year, I will be a few months shy from reaching a year in NS. And that time frame is short.

09 March 2010

Going all South

This below, may not make much sense to many. But bear with me, it will shift laterally from different perspectives.

I do not know how long more this will go. In my utmost humble opinion, it's warming to the heart to know that I made something out of you. I can't believe, a person of my caliber made such a statement, or let me say, an impact, in your life. It may contradict your judgement, but my assumptions are always a cut above the rest.

As I was saying, it was warming and flattering to begin with. But as the weeks passes, it gets highly irritating. To the extend where you, yourself do not know who you are. Every words that you seem to key in are just a sore to my eye. Pretty much synonymous to a bacteria. Worsens the condition of one as it multiplies.

You may come to your defense stating that I may choose not to read. It's true that you have a point, but it tentatively defeats the purpose. Your actions are planned, your words are conspicuous. This was all a cunning ploy to attract my attention. You may not realise but blatantly ripping off someone shows how disoriented you are. And seriously, fo sho? Seriously?

Whatever I extrapolate may be unjust but I'm certain that it's been going on for abit. Should I enumerate further? It's not patented but to come across someone who starts using them after "getting-to-know" period, it's really disturbing. My assumptions here are not deluded by any form of compunction. This obsession has got to stop. I'm highly disturbed by your acts to the extend that I think you are pathetic. LAWL, sounds all too familiar aye?

Maybe I'm a little bit late to point it out. I hope you change and revert to who you are.
This is a personal tirade. What I say here doesn't convey much unless the respective party choose to adhere it. On hindsight, this is one of the rarest moments that I'm subtle and tactful with my words. (:

p/s: this is not Going All South (Y)