20 April 2010

Wisdom is bleak

They say, at times, it's best to confide to a stranger. I did that. I glad I did. Stranger in this context doesn't brings out the literal meaning of it. This term is associated with colleagues, acquaintances and whatever suits your fancy.

I pour out my inner thoughts after bottling up for ages. It's intuitive to actually really share your perspective with the Golden Age. All sat around a table, doing our job while letting the seconds pass by. It went by pretty slowly though. Anyway, it was rather on impulse for me just to query one of them what are their thoughts about now and before. Didn't knew the conversation could last about an hour. 

From relationships to marriage to modern living and well, family, our views are shared among one another. It struck me hard that even at their age, they are working for money. Secondary objective was to kill time. 
Money to them is an issue. But I rebut stating that money is not an issue

Money has always been the thing that is blame upon for almost everything we do. It's harsh and it's real but my perception is different. I need to realise, sooner or later, why money is not an issue to me. I may be young to NOT understand the unwritten rule of life but wisdom is bleak. Age doesn't constitutes power or maturity so their subtle advises fall onto deaf ears.

To pit the blame on ego or independent living just stir up a plethora of emotions. Ego is my driving force while being independent was what I believe in ever since my family "trip." 
Maybe it finally sank in. I'm entering a new phase in life. I've so many things to worry about to the extend that pimples are showing. 

Entering NS, applying for University locally and abroad, supporting myself with dollars, earning more than enough to support my family was all a rosy path in my thoughts. Reality's harsh and it has derail many but I know I can make it. God's willing. (:

16 April 2010

Angels Cry

Why should we doubt Ne-Yo? Immaculate verse. (:

I thought we'd be forever and always. You were serenity you took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right but it was OK. I do somethin' stupid and you still stay with me

But you can only go for so long. Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough. You look up. Find your love gone


We were so good together

How come we could not weather this storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye

05 April 2010

Abandoned Railway marked on another day.

WILL UPDATE IF I GET HOME EARLY! That's roughly around 2300hours. Out again. BYE!

As the title state it, didn't drop by the abandoned railway. The heavy rain on Saturday night till Sunday morning made it impossible for us to trek our way there. Muddy path for a few good snaps? Nah. Maybe next time will do. (: Whatever it is, a fruitful Sunday. But I'm still so adamant of crossing that bridge. Anyway, let the pictures do the talking.

Chinese Garden - Marina Barrage - Far East Plaza - Home (:

DSLR focus on the background rather than me. -.-

Thank you friend for the company (:

  1. DSLR
    • you need to hold and play with one to really appreciate it. basic DSLR can really make a difference
  2. Once I acquire my *insert*, must visit
    • Block 212
    • TPE