Why is it difficult to move on and forget? Picture this.
Try loving someone who brings you closer to God.
Try loving someone who brings out the better Muslim in you.
Try loving someone who wakes you up for Fajr.
Try loving someone who treats you like a husband from the start...
Try finding someone who does that from the start and you will be in my shoes.
Subconsciously, I love her not because of her itself, I love her because of her desire to be closer to God.
Masha'Allah, if the above are not enough, try finding someone who has the purest of hearts with outstanding beauty. Beauty with the hijab.
This has got to be one of the toughest tests of Qadar.
Ya Allah
Grant me strength and patience to move on from this chapter of my life.
Open my chest and open my heart to accept this fate.
“If you depend on Allah with due reliance, He would certainly give you provision as He gives it the birds who go forth hungry in the morning and return with a full belly at dusk.” [Tirmidhi]
Allah will provide for you but you have to get up and get moving again. Just like the birds, go out and seek. Make the effort on your part and leave the rest to Allah and His infinite wisdom.
A blog revolves around the life of a Singaporean. Visual through my eyes of the joy, happiness, struggle and tears. A student of life and a believer of principles. Live and let live and learn to forgive. In the end, the onus is ours
26 July 2013
07 July 2013
Ramadhan 1434H
Assalamualaikum fellow readers~ (:
I came across a Facebook photo shared by a friend on his timeline. The photo shows a Daily Training Program of a Mujahideen. And wow, even in war, in their timetable, they allocated time for the Fardhu Prayers. Hats off to them.
With the above-mentioned said, I believe it's best for me to have my Ramadhan timetable to allocate my time well and fully utilize it. God willing I'm able to adhere to it as much as I could.
I came across a Facebook photo shared by a friend on his timeline. The photo shows a Daily Training Program of a Mujahideen. And wow, even in war, in their timetable, they allocated time for the Fardhu Prayers. Hats off to them.
With the above-mentioned said, I believe it's best for me to have my Ramadhan timetable to allocate my time well and fully utilize it. God willing I'm able to adhere to it as much as I could.
Ramadhan 1434H:
0430 - 0500: Running / Intervals / Ab-Ripper X
0500 - 0510: Shower excluding brushing teeth
0510 - 0525: Pre-Fasting meal
0525 - 053x: Brush teeth while awaiting Imsak
054x - 0600: Subuh Prayers
0600 - 0745: Revision / Sleep
0745 - 0815: Preparation for work
0830 - 1730: Work
1730 - 1830: Legs Day / Revision [aka rest day]
1830 - 184x: Head home from work
184x - 1900: Juggle Size 3 football to hone ball control skills
191x - 1940: Break fast
1940 - 2000: Shower and Maghrib Prayers
2000 - 2145: Terawih Prayers
2145 - 2300: Revision / Mari Belajar Sembahyang Book
2300 - 0430: Snooze fest
In shaa Allah I'm able to adhere to it for the whole of Ramadhan. Let's do this. (:
23 June 2013
Nisfu Sya'ban?
Alhamdulillah! Still remember the password to my blog. Last update was on the 15 October 2012. That was 8 months ago.
Well, had the sudden urge to pen my feelings out so here I am. It's 2330hrs and I will make this quick.
Today is well-known by the Muslim society as Nisfu Sya'ban. Also known as Middle of the month of Sya'ban. It is believed that in this month and on this date, our books of wrong and right are actually brought up and a new book will commence.
Since I have yet to experience this Nisfu Sya'ban at any Masjid, I made my way to Darul Makmur Masjid for this event. What a way to start my night. Right after parking my bike, I saw a girl about 16-17years guiding her mom to parallel park. With the way she was giving directions, I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing any good. Rendered assistance to the family by giving the driver the proper instructions to parallel park and Alhamdulillah, feel good to be helping someone.
Soon after she was done, and not even 10metres away from me, I saw this Taxi Driver (SHA5289B) trying to manoeuvre his way out of the already cramped up road after dropping a passenger at the masjid. I was appalled to see that he have already knocked down a bike and still had the cheek to continue manoeuvring out pretending nothing ever happened. Approach him and told him what he had done and still have the gulls to say, "Haiya! Sikit only. Mana ada damage? Haiya, cari makan sikit uh."
Really? Really? Really? You knocked down a vehicle and ask me to cari makan on behalf of the rider? It was his luck that they had call out the Azaan for Maghrib and I had to rush in so as to not to miss the Jemaah. Sought the opinion of my former colleagues and left a note on the rider's bike. Hopefully the rider will follow up with the necessary actions.
Done-ded with Maghrib prayers and started the recitation of Ya'sin and the du'a for Nisfu Sya'ban. After which, performed the Isya prayers and saw a fellow Bangladeshi Muslim had ear-studs. *facepalm*
Should have asked him to remove it but something hold me back. In shaa Allah he will know that it is haraam.
Headed home and felt like blogging but didn't really had the topic. With such swiftness, my fingers typed in the meaning of Nisfu Sya'ban. And to my surprise, I learn a lot.
All I can say, this might be my last Nisfu Sya'ban. Even if I attend one, it is for the recitation of Ya'sin.
Don't get the impression that Nisfu Sya'ban is wrong. Wait, there is no wrong to it. Just that once I'm a little bit wary or unsure, I will avoid it and conduct a thorough research before completely going against it. Allahu'alam. Still have a lot to learn.
Quite a lengthy one there. It's 2354hrs and I'm way off my bedtime.
Assalamualaikum~ (Peace be upon you)