25 February 2006

i feel 40kinds of sadness when you're gone..
hahas..enjoying the song..i think im in LOVE WITH Ryan Cabrera..
haha..loVe his songs esp PHOTO..

im memorising the LYRICS and its gUitaR tab..=)

hEy, want to noe suMting..im fEElinG bEtter..cAnt wAit tO gO back
scHooL..iT wiLl bE a nEw mE..i fEEl like iTs tHE fIrst dAy oF sChOOl..=P

miSS mY cLassmAtes aNd mS cHoo..haha..

It's so unbelievable
And I don't want to let it go
Something so beautiful
Flowing down like a waterfall
I feel like you've always been
Forever a part of me
And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be
tHe cHorus oF 'unbelievable'........................
its unbelievably nice..LOVE this song too... =)
tHinkIng of dYinG my hAir bRownish-yellow dUrinG thE mARch hoLidays..
bEfOre gOing bAck sChooL, sHAve mY hAir "WA-CHING!!!"
gReaT iDea???

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