Imagine this...
Imagine waking up one day, u are all alone..
there's no one with you..
left alone to shoulder yourself when you cry..
left alone to pat yourself at the back for a job's well done..
hAve yOu eveR wOnder?..
Imagine u are used to ur siblings waking u up early in the morning, just to go to school..
and one day, they just fade away...
wAkinG uP aLL aLone..hAvin uR bReakfAst aLL aLone..liviNg LifE aLL aLonE..
tis iS wHat i bEen tHru tIs pAss fEw dAys..
Life's a meSS fOr a mOmeNt..
tHe yOungEst iN tHe fAmiLy yEt mAkin' tHe bIg dEciSionS..
i mIss mY LifE..mY rEaL LifE..mIss mY bRotHerS..
iF onLy yOU wErE hEre, tHingS wOuld nOt bE lyK tHis..
i miSS evRithIng oUt oF aLL oF yOU..iF onLy wE weRe as oNe aGain..
dEciSioNs wAs nEveR eAsy..uNcerTainTy..
wHy aM i aT gUiLt?.. wHat's mY fAuLt?..
fOr mAkinG dEciSionS?..
pLs..i rEaLLy wAnt mY LifE tO bE aS nOrmAL..
mIssInG thE LovE tHAt wE cHeriSh..
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