07 March 2009


Jeff Abbott

ZOMGBBQS! I can't reiterate enough that this book is great. A different title but it's the same book actually. It's known as RUN in Singapore [AMK library]. Maybe a little breather from the mushiness of Nicholas Sparks' novels. If only I make money out of reading books, I would be hogging the library often. At first glance, I thought it was just another mediocre thriller books. Proven otherwise. (:

GAAAAAAH! Even it discombobulate the readers at times, the countless deaths, it's worth the read. We readers must be patient. Burrgh! I feel like heading to a library now and get another book of his. [2210hours] Great.

Anyway, just wanted to let this adrenaline feeling out. Till then. Less than 48hours away to my beginning of 3rd Year in NYP. The feeling of emptiness starts to sink in as the thought of leaving the "standard" study timetable draws nearer. MEH! Good Night. (:

p/s: And I crave for LJS.
p/p/s: And LOL, fathul and zyma was in the same dream last night. wth!

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