23 February 2012

A Day With Elly (R15)

And so I learn how to dismantle my bike. Sadly, some fairings of the bike are machine-tighten which make it quite impossible for a person of my stature to unscrew it.
Great learning experience. Still haven't finish touching up though. Sticker residues are such a bitch. Already spent two morning trying to clear it up. Manage to clear 1/4 of the fairing this morning. Hopefully able to clear everything come morning.

Oh by the way, I wanted to respray my bike white BUT GUESS WHAT?!?!?! Sandpapers are hard to find! Those finer grains wet-or-dry sandpaper don't come by easily. Not forgetting they come with a price too. Maybe when I have more off-days, I will commence with the project of respraying my bike. As for now, just leave it BLUE and focus on the interior. To those who are interested, this is a very good video below. Youtube, why you teach me a lot?

Off the bike issues, back to materials. See this watch below, I doubt it's available in Singapore. Sad much. Will search high and low when I have ample amount of time in hand. Citizen Eco-Drive Nighthawk. Lé Séxy.

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