Just a quick one. Loving the new galaxy note. On its negative, the battery drains out easily. Let's say, within 1/2 a day. Maybe I didn't charge it proper on the first time. Whatever it is, here are my panoramic views... huhu!
Can't get enough of the huge ass screen and panoramic pictures. Till then, off to my books.
And, I hope you know I want to make it right...
A blog revolves around the life of a Singaporean. Visual through my eyes of the joy, happiness, struggle and tears. A student of life and a believer of principles. Live and let live and learn to forgive. In the end, the onus is ours
21 June 2012
04 June 2012
My morale is at all-time low. Can't help but to question God why do these kind of incident happen to me. What wrong did I do to deserve this. Lucky mother is around. Talked some sense to me, if not I would be extremely negative already.
Then again, all boils back to my paranoia, or just plain obsession, with karma. I got to seek solitude somewhere. It's been awhile since I sat quietly in peace. Ever since moving out of Ang Mo Kio, I have yet to find a peaceful spot where I could just stay static and reflect.
Let's hope I'm over this ordeal soon. Can't wait for end July / August. Can't wait to get my operation over and done with. It's unbearable to live on the edge. Insya'Allah all will go smoothly.
$300++ just gone like that on another minor surgery, then there's the parking notice that I have to pay for. Hopefully it's just a letter of warning. I can't risk any demerit points. 12 points is equivalent to beating a red light. Hopefully I'm able to avoid a fine too. I HATE/LOATHE/DISLIKE paying for something that's not worth for. Like parking on pavement could actually kill someone. Crap.
Instances like this makes me want to sign-on. Stable job, stable income, good bonuses but living the life of a mediocre Singaporean. I'm not going to conform. Never never neveR. God willing, I will achieve what I visualize myself in the future. Amin. No, I need to achieve that status I see myself in the future.
I will be taking off now. The negativity still brewing within. Probably have a cold shower and off to MW3. Taking the care...