27 November 2007

if i were to PCC, the amt produced compared to the amt of brain cells i lost today is lesser than the brain cells..


ok, schooling was super super draggy.. esp ZCB class.. C++ programming getting tougher and tougher.. i dun get what he says, the computer says and alot of the programming functions.. sheesh, i cant even understand flowchart..

and tomorrow i will be learning PARTIAL DERIVATIVES!.. pardon me, i have not started any revision for maths so yeah, i will go bonkers going through this one.. T_T

niways, let me try out a little of C programming..


void main ()

{ // Start Program
int money ;

printf("Enter the amt of money u left : ");
scanf("%d", &money);

printf("You are f-ing broke.")

} // End Program


lol.. ok the 2D game that i always play that almost everyone noes abt.. the world that i play in is under maintenance.. if server were to crash and for me to lose the items.. ARGH!..


niways, foruming seems mundane and dull due to unexpected lags and crashes.. u see, the 2D game that i play seems to be popular.. so U.Y to those haters..

oh, i found a new blogskin but it seems to be too orange-y and gay?.. LOL..

wait gay means happy =)

but i will use it soon.. the phoenix of the current blogskin is hot =)

ok im off to do my project.. im still undecided to search for a part-time job during the 2wks break..

enlighten me.. T.T

p.s: i did not get to seat under the holy light.. holy sheet man..

happy birthday amrul, young adult seh.. LOL..

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