17 March 2006

iM fEeLinG quIte low fOr a mOmeNt..

iM bEiN tOo sELf-cOnsciOus i gUess..

i cAnt fOcus..i fEeL quIte LosT fOr tHe mOmeNt..

haiz..mY mAthS, is dEpRovInG..i fAiL mY vEctOrS teSt rEcenTLy..

iT wAs tErRibLe!! i cAnt mAintAin a gOoD rEcoRd..

btw, i hAv nOt eVen tAke mY rEpoRt cArd!!! "sob"

haiz..nVr minD iTs nOt iMpoRtAnt..

i dId tErribLy..

mR. cOnnOr wAs riGht..aM i tOo seLf-coNsciouS?..

i gUess iM nOt bUt mY acTionS dO sHow..


if i hAd oNe wIsh..

i jUst lyk tHe pHrAse..

sWeeT aNd sImpLe..


if i hAd oNe wIsh, i wAnt tO hAve a pRopEr atTituDe tOwarDs sTudiEs..


iM gOinG..

iM dOing mY eNgLish hmwK sOon aFtEr tHis..

tAke cAres..

wOrLd, Love..

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