hOw cOoL iS tHAt?..
=P , lame..
okAy, rEach hOme aRd 8.00pm..lUckiLy, my mum tOo rEacH hOme LatE, aS shE tOok tHe sAme LifT wIth me.. =P
sO she dId nOt sCoLd mE tHat mUch.. ;)
oKay, rEach sKOoL aRd 11.00am..
i bAdLy wAnteD tO cUt tHe mY mAtEriALs..bUt tKs tO tHe LackinG oF teAcheRs iN BTSS!!!
tHerE wAS nOt eNOugH tEachEr tO sUpervISe uS..
oKay, wHats dOne iS dOne..
mE & iRsyAD wEnt tO aDha's hOuse, sO as hE cAn cHange tO hIs hOme cLothEs..
aNd hE bOrrOweD mE hIS pAnts..
hahas.. =P
i wAs LazY tOo wEnt hOme, sO reQuestEd tO bOrrOw oNe...
hOw dEspErAte aM I?..
LuckiLy, i gOt bRinG my oWn sHirt..
i dId nOt tRoubLe hIm muCh..
aFter oUr pRayeRs, mEt uP wIf FadhuLi, fAthuL, sHakeILah, sYasYa aNd zUL..
wE wErE LatE bY a fEw minUtes wHen mEetiNG sHakeILah aNd sYasYa at BedOk pLatfOrm..sOrie aBt tHat.. =P
wE sTop aT cIty hALL..
thE tWo "S" gO suntec, tO fIx sYasYa mp3..wHiLe wE, bOys, wEnt tO pEninsuLar, fIx aDha n fadHuLi's gUitAr LasT sTriNg ..
n wE aLso bOught oUr oWn pIck..
evEnthOugh i uSuaLLy uSe mY fIngeRs..erm, mAyb i wiLL uSe iT fOr eMergEncy pUrpOseS.. =P
tHen tHen, wHiLe wIndOw sHOppinG..sYasYa caLLed tO mEet tHem aT cIty hALL MRT sTatiOn..
i wAs lyk, wHat tHe hELL..
sO fASt..
i wAs aDmiRing tHis aCoustic gUitAr, iT wAs sO aStOniSHinG..
btw, tHe pRiCE tOo wAs aStOniShing..
iT cOst aRd SG$500+..
haiz..tOo eXpensIve.. tHen tHis bLack gUitaR, cAugHt mY mIND..iT wAs reaLLy nIce..tHe pRiCe wAs aCcePtabLe la, aRd SG$130..tHe stRing iS nyLon, iF i rEmembeReD rIte..
haiz..wHen gOt tHe cHance tO LeaRn gUitAr, u pUsh iT aWay.. nOW, u aRe LeaRniNG iT iN yOUr "O" LeveL yR..
wTh..'sLaps iZwaN' ...
okAy, bAck tO sTory..
sYasYa caLLed aGain, wE wEre LatE aGain..
wHen wE mEet tHem, they lOok sO tHe tIreD..
dUn nOe wHat tHey dId..
tHen wHen wE wEre wALkinG tOwards the tIcketIng mAchinE, gOt tHis gIrL la.. mInaH..
sHe wAs iNsuLtinG us..bRinginG gUitAr hErE aNd tHEre..
i wAs lyk kanina-cHeebye-mOthErfUcK-wHat-tHe-heLL-is-wrong-with-thE-freaking-piece-of-bitching-shitbag?..
wE dId nOt eVen bLock hEr wAy oR wHat..n sHe wALk lYk a tRain, aNd hEr mOuth rUns lyk a jEt..
sKip tHe bAd mOmeNts..
oKay2, tHen wE wEnt tO bugiS..
fRom bugis oNwardS, i wAS wALkinG vEry sLowly..mY knEE wAs sore aGain..
iS tHerE sUch tHing aS a sOre-kNee?..
fAthul, me, fadhuli, adha (F.I.F.A) sAt oUtsiDe SINTA fOr aRd 2 hrs, wHiLe wAitinG fOr thE tWo "S" aNd zuL tO tAlK abt thEir d&t pRojEcts wIf tHE sHop oWneRs..
fOr tHe fIrst tym, i sEe ZUL wAs sO sTreSseD oUt..hIs aRtefAct, wAs cOmpLicAteD..bUt oUr d&t tEachEr aPprovE it.. aNd tHe SINTA ppL sAy iTs iMpoSSibLe tO gEt iT dOne..
i piTy zUL, is eIther he cHoose aNothEr iDea oR re-dO tHE wHoLe thing..
i dId nOt wAnteD him to sUffEr tHe sAme fAte aS tWo oF oUR cLassmAtes..
oKay, wHiLe sYasYa n sHakeiLah wEre tAkin hUge stEps aHead of us iN d&t pRojEcts, wE wEre "pErfOrminG" oUtside SINTA..

hahax..aCtuaLLy, wE tOok suM cHairs fRom tHe sHop aNd sAt oUtsIde aNd pLay gUitar..
aT lAst, i've kNown tHE bAss oF "zOMBie" aNd mOst pArts oF "wAke mE up wHen sEpt. eNds" i pLayEd successfuLLy.. =)
yayness!!! (pictures on yoru right, f.y.i.)

n i jUst ask mY mUm tO bUy fOr me a nEw gUitar, sHe wILL rE-tHInk..
uSe fAdhULi gUitAr, n pLAy "tRue" , i dId nOt rmb mOSt oF iTs tAbs, onLy tHe sTarTinG wAs riTe.. =(
tHen aFter tHat, wE wEnt tO thIs chinese-mUsLim rEstAurAnt or sum sort oF lYk tHAt..
iT wAs mArveLLous..iTs my 2nd or 3rd tym eating there, aNd tHe cHiLLi wAS stiLL mArvELous..
but ppL sAy iTs sPicy..i wAs lyk "huh?"..
iT wAs fUn eatinG tOgethEr..aFtEr eAtinG, i pLAyeD tHE gUitAR fOr a wHiLe..
eVentHogh i wAs tHe LasT oNe tO fINisH tHe fOod..
n zUL kEep oN sAyinG: "sTop iT thE gUitAr La.."
hahax..i kEpt oN pLayINg.. =P
okay, tHe tYm nOw iS 2.40am..
sO lOng i bLog..
tAke cAreS & GooD nItes
-wOrlD, LovE-
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