04 January 2009

Drinking Chilli

I still can't fathom that it's 2009! And in every assignments, notes, works, etcetra we will be using 2009! And you know what, it's already the 4th day into the New Year. Tell me, is it me or I've been missing alot? =(

Okay, I will stop questioning drinkers. Be it my friend who drink or smokes heavily. There are at times where people drink and smoke for no apparent reason. There's no logical explanation or whatsoever. It's just the burning sensation, no pun intended, that makes them eager to drink.

Wondering as to why I'm bringing this topic up. Well, it's completely irrelevant to drinking but whatever. I have this fascination for spicy food, another reason as to why I sweat alot. Especially chilli prawn and tom yam. The thing abt this spicy food, excess intake of it may cause horrible stomachaches the next morning. Same goes to drinking, for them it's hungover.

Excess Drinking = Hungover
Excess Spicy-ing = Stomachache

Had a horrible morning. No, had a horrible afternoon. Spend most of my early afternoon in the toilet, and the thing is I KNOW OF THIS SIDE EFFECTS but I'm infatuated when this kind of food comes by. !!!!!!!! I'm here to rant abt the stomachache rather than drinking !!!!!!
Okay best. I'm done. Anyway, first "sickness" of 2009. Stomachache. The thought of having a diarrheoa freaks me out. .__________.

hmm, ponders. Hoping that the Sentosa gathering will come to shape, and I can't believe that I'm being such a geek over some stuff. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Control yourself Izwan!!! Turning in early would suffice for today. Good night (=

p/s: yet to get my B choker.
p/p/s: i realise i dont have a NY resolutions list enumerated. =x will do it the next time around

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