04 November 2009

Birthday Countdown - Part 4

Suppose to end class at 1500 hours but decided to call it at a day at 1200hours. Headed home with Fajar and Muiz. Reasons being I wanted Windows XP and Fajar, well, gaming purpose. -.-

Muiz had problems with Vista Home Premium. Everything didn't seem to work well. From reformatting, to the CD i bought which was not EMPTY and technical difficulties that surfaced frequently. Not forgetting our intermission when we shifted our attention to the PS3. By the end of everything, a corrupted Windows XP and a malfunction Windows7 is inside my computer. Due to my incompetence in drivers and such, I didn't expect it to be time-consuming. Finished doing my computer at 1500hours. Muiz had four - five assignments that needed to be submitted on Thursday. With time running short, going to NP wasn't feasible at all. Plus, the weather was really really ideal for a nap.

Decided to cancel our trip to NP and bring it forward to next week. Most of our teammates, or simply say, all of them who were in school didn't wanted to play at Hougang. But fortuitously, Arm was around since he was heading home early. And so we met at 1845hrs to make our way there. Garner in 5matches before the rain starts to pour heavily. 3 consecutive wins, good enough. And as for my shoes, working fine. Punto Flex ftw.

Set my foot home at 2330hours and found out that my brother was on shift. -__________- 
I hate leaving my mom home alone as it's too quiet and, undesirable. I won't proceed further with a single reasoning. But in all, I loathe it. 

And after a long day, you know I won't be in school the next morning. (:

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